all postcodes in GU21 / WOKING

find any address or company within the GU21 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU21 6AE 1 1 51.320159 -0.558456
GU21 6AH 1 1 51.317681 -0.555851
GU21 6AZ 1 1 51.317646 -0.562663
GU21 6BB 1 1 51.31636 -0.564731
GU21 6BE 1 0 51.319177 -0.556894
GU21 6BG 8 7 51.318734 -0.557491
GU21 6BH 3 3 51.318639 -0.5577
GU21 6BL 1 1 51.318403 -0.558296
GU21 6BP 2 1 51.321139 -0.557847
GU21 6BW 27 15 51.318141 -0.558988
GU21 6BY 15 1 51.318398 -0.558612
GU21 6DA 33 0 51.318679 -0.565348
GU21 6DB 2 2 51.319168 -0.563534
GU21 6DD 8 4 51.317846 -0.561212
GU21 6DE 37 0 51.31862 -0.564202
GU21 6DF 47 0 51.321973 -0.557567
GU21 6DH 3 3 51.318062 -0.562794
GU21 6DJ 9 7 51.317888 -0.563191
GU21 6DL 5 0 51.318472 -0.566129
GU21 6DN 7 0 51.318412 -0.564868